Monday, November 26, 2007

Short Note

If you noticed, a few days had passed before I managed to post again. Well, I am busy now attending to my mother who just arrived for vacation here. But before I go back to her, let me write something I read:

"It is hard to eonvince young girls that there isn other beautiful aboutimmodest attire. It manifest emotional and psychological immaturiy, and speaks of an inordinate preoccupation with the self. Aquinas points out that "the beauty of the body consists in a man having huis bodily limbs well proportioned, to gether with a certain clarity of color. In like manner spiritual beauty consists in a man's conduct or actions being well proportioned in respect of the spiritual clarity of reason". The virtue of modesty involves restraint in thee way one dreses in order to reflect the moderation and restraint that is interior and iedentical to the virtue of temperance. Temperance is eautiful because it amounts to a moderate and well proportioned love of self. So too is modesty. Egoism, on the contrary, is always ugly. (Source Teenage Modesty and Beauty by Douglas McManaman).

Nicely presented. What do you think.


1 comment:

Camille said...

Hi Cristy! Just visiting. I'm going to link you in my blog. =)